Thursday 10 March 2022

Stumbled onto the Vampman, I mean Batman

To start off, let me just say that I have enjoyed Robert Pattinson in everything he has done apart from Twilight, I just couldn't resist that cheap shot. There is something very appropriate about casting an ex-vampire as the bat crusader. 

I really liked the movie. Was it a bit on the nose with the 'I am a dark movie, feel the depression oozing out of me' theme as most DC movies are? Yes. Was Batman ultimately useless in preventing crime? Also yes. But it was a nice, dare I say, fresh take, with a moody Bruce Wayne that reflected the rich orphan aspect of his character and a great film noir essence that highlighted Batman as Gotham's greatest detective apart from a supercool Punchkicker dude (or Kinchpuncher, based on which of the two you preferred in Community), which he also was. Loved those scenes.

I really liked Robert Pattinson and all of the support cast! Zero complaints overall and I didn't even recognise Colin Farrell. That SFX team did great, but also how did he make that sexy, Irish accent into a New York-Italian hybrid turnoff? Very appropriate. And I will once again fail to resist the unecessary, demeaning reference, but Pattinson's Batman and Kravitz' Catwoman? Still a better love story than Twilight.

One thing I could complain about was. honestly, my bad. I confused Falcone and Maroni because both names sounded similar (this makes less sense when you see them spelt out), so while the rest of the theatre was enjoying a plot twist, I was wondering why this mobster was referring to himself in the third person; I assumed it was a Mafia boss thing, I still haven't seen the Godfather. But even so, I couldn't understand why he was incriminating himself while wearing sunglasses indoors. Still waiting for clarification on those sunglasses. Also, and this is a reasonable complaint, rat with wings? Could the Riddler have more obviously meant a bat? Greatest detective alert.

Anyway, it is time I accept my crusade to keep Ben Affleck as the Batman seems to have failed. At least Pattinson is a worthy replacement and I am curious to see what comes next.