Thursday 31 March 2022

Stumbled on to the 'Fan Favourite Movie' and the 'Oscar Cheer Moment' Academy Awards


I think I very briefly commented on the diminishing relevance of the Oscars on my previous post on Will Smith's exchange with Chris Rock. Not to me; I wasn't even caught up this year and this is my second post on the matter. But to people with lives and better priorities than myself. The Oscars are aware that they are becoming less popular, and are trying to fix the problem any way possible. This year they, thankfully, brought back hosts and cut down runtime. Unfortunately they thought the best way to cut down runtime was to downgrade a bunch of awards that would honestly benefit from the exposure a lot more that those they kept. They also had the greatest of ideas, to introduce two new awards; the 'Fan Favourite Movie' and 'Oscar Cheer Moment' awards, in an attempt to engage younger people and celebrate the current zeitgeist that frequently fails to coincide with their own set criteria. 

Had this award been around in 2020, we all know  'Endgame' would have won. Endgame was more than a movie; it was a landmark, it was an event, it was a moment preceded by a a 12 year build-up. And for all the weight of expectations, it was a triumph. When I had walked out of the theatre, I remember feeling upset for two reasons; first of all, that passive experience was one of the best of my life, so I should maybe get a more exciting life, but most importantly, never would I ever have a similar cinematic experience. We were all on the same page, cheering, crying, all of it like a unit. It had been so intense and emotional I remember my arrythmia had kicked in. But I was wrong. 'No Way Home' came by two years later to give me a similar experience. It might have not been obvious up to now, but this is another hate post towards Zack Snyder!

I know it wasn't just me. I can tell that the Academy had this in mind when creating these awards. You don't need to follow superhero movies to know that 'No Way Home' did it all for people that grew up with Tobey Maguire, those that know Andrew Garfield was not given a real chance, but also, a great movie if Tom Holland was the only Spiderman you ever knew! It was flawless. People did literally cheer when we saw the other Spideys show up, and even though I favour Garfield, I will say it; the Oscar cheer moment was when Tobey Maguire showed up. I cheered hardest then also. I think my 84 year old dad is the only person I know that did not watch that movie. And then we find out that a movie called 'Army of the Dead' (had to google it twice, because it just won't register) won? And the cheer moment was the Flash entering the speed force? FUCK NO! No one is invested in the Flash (not his fault, the foundation isn't there) and we are comparing that with the greatest nod to nostalgia we have ever seen in a superhero movie! 

This isn't so much Zack Snyder's fault, but the fans. You know what? I take that back, it sort of is! He has made this into a cult, where people act in ways to ensure his fragile ego is not shattered. I am glad this backfired on the Academy, incredibly upset, but glad in a way. Make this award legitimate and don't embarrass yourselves by awarding a sci-fi movie NERDS haven't even heard of (which is sort of our thing) as fan favourite, and failing to acknowledge another incredible movie in the superhero genre just because you do not know how to deal with it.

Ok. Time to calm down. Well, it was time to calm down at least a paragraph ago, so let's re-write that as time to invest in some ginger tea and relaxing music. Not Hallelujah though, because that has been forever ruined. 

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