Wednesday 24 February 2021

Stumbled onto adverse weather conditions, otherwise known as SNOOOOOW!


You know how the most generic and uninteresting topic of covnersation is the weather? Well, this is a post about the weather! Feel free to quit your reading, unless you are a Captain Holt-like figure and the only thing you’d enjoy more than reading about the weather, is visiting a museum for barrels. The weather has become a much saucier topic as of late; some say it’s because of dangerous global warming, some say its spicy Jewish space lasers (or however US congresswoman Greene calls lightning nowadays) and some say its enigmatic, fake, plastic snow (the brand new addition to the weather conspiracy genre). Who knows what it may be? Let’s look at it this way; which one of these is more fun?

Greece is a warm country; warm enough that it has rendered a large amount of my clothes from England useless. I try to wear them as much as I can; thankfully my attic of residence is freezing and I make good use of my pashminas as blankets. And let’s be honest, they are much more functional as blankets. And while we had all given up on a proper winter with a ‘frightful weather’ and a ‘delightful fire’, we all indeed had no place to go and so a week ago we let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. It was freezing and wet and obstructive and perfect in every way. I love the snow, it does to the scenery what a beard does to male faces. It makes everything look a bit more charming and laid back. Also, this was the perfect time to have a nephew under four years of age, because he could somewhat match my excitement, and a newfoundland, because she certainly surpassed my excitement. I say ‘somewhat’ for my nephew because, unlike me, he did not appreciate the outfit he had to wear. Those days of snow were educational too; I found out I do not know how to make a proper snowman. You know, the three perfectly round balls in descending order, a carrot nose that actually stays in place and cheery tree branches that don’t look like the snowman is begging for the sweet relief of death. Snow came at a great time as well; lockdown has made it much harder to post compelling Instagram posts. Honestly, I think we all felt refreshed with this new element in our lives for a couple of days. That is, all that still had electricity. Greece is not very well prepared for such events and I think we currently have lasting damage because of the snow. But that’s the beauty of it; you can’t stay mad at the snow the way you would at a flood or hurricane.

The snow lasted for a couple of days and I was expecting a slow and steady return to normal temperatures. I kept my coat out, I made the manufacturer-approved use of the car’s glove compartment for the first time in my life and I prioritised my normal December-London clothing. And of course, it took no more than three days for the weather to be inappropriately warm again! In a period of a week we went from snow and hot chocolate to sun and cold brews. I mean, others did, I drink warm tea well into summer. It would all be good fun if there wasn’t a deadly virus on the rise and the cold we are all bound to catch from these unpredictable circumstances wouldn’t throw me in a state of panic every morning when I wake up with a bit of a blocked nose.

[Pause to check that I can hold my breath for ten seconds. Is that an outdated way to check for Covid?]

While this, for some, is clear evidence of global warming and the need to change our humanly flawed ways, some geniuses in Texas decided that the snow must be fake. Apparently some people were baffled by its reluctance to melt at contact, regardless of basic physics and the freezing temperature. Both elitist measures, I suppose. They started talking of fake plastic snow, put in place by the government to scare us into believing in global warming and once again blamed it on Bill Gates. It is interesting that they say those prone to conspiracy theories are less educated; were they more educated they could come up with a couple more people of science to blame fake snow with. What I was unaware of until a couple of days ago, though, is that Greece had also followed suit and decided our snow was fake too. And this is where I say, how dare you? Snow is a gift, snowballs are smaller gifts we give (throw, really) to one another and snowmen are, well, abominations but we still enjoy making them! Also, fake snow exists! It looks like shaving foam and is disgusting to touch. Real fake snow (that sentence hurt my head) would be a valid source of complaints. But otherwise, if the government wants to upgrade fake snow and drop it every year around Christmas, I’m all for it.

We are back to our normal, warm, sunny days that make lockdown all the more frustrating. Parks in Athens have never before been as busy and appreciated. I wasn’t even aware we had so many. I know the weather is boring, but I am just feeling a bit extra grateful today for being where I am during a pandemic. This is because I am comparing it to a tiny flat in a very wet London. This all makes perfect sense to me. You on the other hand, if you have read this far, probably just have a weird weather fetish.

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