Tuesday 9 March 2021

Stumbled onto the Royal Interview


Did I watch the interview? No, because I felt that I could cover the one and a half hour interview through articles in less time. Also, I am not Oprah’s biggest fan. I mean, I do appreciate that she has achieved a tremendous deal of success through hard work, intelligence and eloquence, but she also supported Jay Leno in the Tonight Show debacle and had beef with David Letterman. Τherefore, as a loyal member of Team Coco, I do feel a certain degree of resentment. Nope, we are still not over it. This was, nonetheless, a development that could not be left unmentioned by a blog claiming to concern itself with pop culture, because what is more pop culture that a cast member of ‘Suits’ bringing down the world’s most famous monarchy? It is the equivalent to what the politically engaged call a coup.

Everyone in the English-speaking world is interested in these developments. All of the UK wants to know a bit more about the Palace that supposedly rules them and Americans are invested in how their inclusion in the Royal Family has shaken them to the very core. Everyone else has followed course, because we all need a good reason to eat popcorn. Greece is no different; I guess we too need a break from our pandemic-driven lives to bother ourselves with the struggles of the ex-royal couple. Bear in mind that we are currently witnessing police brutality and their abuse of power in the name of public health and we still rushed to tune in the CBS funded show. We all need a bit of gossip for entertainment and the Netflix adaptation simply did not satisfy our appetite.

Do I have views on this even though I haven’t watched the interview? Sure, don’t I always? Firstly, I do want to recognise that there is some unfairness towards the Crown, in that them being under very strict guidelines of behaviour cannot respond with a similar interview. Although I would love to see the Queen have an exclusive interview on the Graham Norton show, with Lee Mack, David Mitchell and Rob Brydon on that famous, red couch. Why these three? Because I am binge-watching ‘Would I Lie to You’ and there is not enough screen time of these comics for me to ever feel satisfied. But the Queen not being able to respond in the same manner is certainly not a reason for everyone wronged by them to follow suit. It is, nonetheless, a convenience that I acknowledge. Anyway, the Crown can handle some unfairness, it surely has dealt out more than enough of it.

The biggest villain of the interview was the British press, that had the audacity to complain about the interview after their own handling. It is very ridiculous that during our time and age they focused on Meghan’s race and heritage from across the pond. I strongly believe they equally minded her being Black and not being English. Lest we forget, we are talking about the country that rushed into demise to get foreigners out. Although in all fairness, it does feel like we, European Internet shoppers, are the ones paying for it currently; I can no longer shop my moisturizers online! A bit off subject, but it has greatly pissed me off. As far as the actual royals are concerned, it’s reassuring that the Queen wasn’t the one that directly expressed racist remarks for her unborn grandson as both Claire Foy and Olivia Coleman are excellent as Queens (yes, I am judging current events on fictional standards), but someone did. My money is on Charles, as not even Josh O’Connor’s charming portrayal could make the character sufficiently likeable in season four. However, now that I think of it Umbridge is next in line for the throne; maybe they know something we don’t to go with that casting choice.

There is also the issue that I don’t know if anyone but the British take the Crown as seriously. And I don’t mean the Netflix show this time; I am dead serious about anything with Matt Smith in it. A friend from university had effectively called them ‘state-run celebrities’, so I am not sure who exactly is sincerely insulted by criticism of the crown. But then again, I wouldn’t take a word against David Tennant without starting a shouting match (a lot of Dr Who in this paragraph). But it does seem that we have all entered a contract that this interview about a family feud with an age range of over 90 years is shocking news! One of the interviewee’s uncles is very likely a pedophile, but you know, let’s focus on the scandal with the pretty members of the family. Also, again rather unfair, but every time I try to empathise with the unfortunate couple, I see money figures that are at least seven digits long and end up squinting my eyes so hard, I risk getting wrinkles inside my very eyeball. And as I said, we can no longer shop online for beauty products, so there is no helping these wrinkles.

Of course, it is deplorable that they to endure so much bullying from the press and telling of the prejudice within the British culture. It is sad that they felt so exposed and Meghan underwent all this psychological pressure. It is hurtful that Harry felt those parallels with his mother that he lost so young. I just declare those honest stands of mine before I move on to express my demented, closing remark. Here we go. My position is very difficult because Meghan clearly stole my future husband so I am inclined to side with whoever is against her. At the same time as Harry is my future husband I am inclined to side with him and he is siding with Meghan. Love triangles are always difficult and ours is no different.

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