Sunday 17 May 2020

Stumbled onto Schitt’s Creek: Blog in the Time of Corona

Schitt’s Creek has been around for a little while but I was not aware of it until 2020. I first found out about it on a hilarious episode of ‘Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend’ with Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara. First and foremost, the show was highly recommended by Conan; I tend to treat Conan’s recommendations as commands. But the two Canadian comedy legends were also incredibly funny and likeable, talking about their common start in comedy, achieving legendary status and, of course, Schitt’s Creek. As if I weren’t already convinced, O’Hara did an impression of Moira’s accent on the show and my first thought was that this was the silliness for the sake of silliness that was currently missing from my life.

This is the show I began and finished watching within the pandemic and honestly brightened my panic fuelled days. Despite this unfortunate connotation, I only remember this show as a tonic; an alternative to gin, wine, valerian root tea and any other natural remedies I had turned to when the Guardian first published an app where you could track affected people in your area. Assuming we all consider gin a natural remedy. I cannot recommend this show enough to anyone who wants to laugh, empathise and, occasionally, cry.

The premise is relatively straightforward. An obnoxious rich family loses everything but ownership of a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. They move there, struggle to fit in, reminisce about the old days and eventually change and get changed by the people they meet. It is a simple premise, but oh is it elevated by brilliant writing. When I say the family is obnoxious, I do not say that lightly. They are hateful, snobbish, entitled, lazy, show offs and a little bit Alexis. Sorry, I meant insane. I thought I would love these characters the way I love reality show contestants that make my stomach hurl. But little did I know that this silly comedy would have such beautiful character development. Seamless. By the end of the series the characters were who they were, but better. They were never caricatures, even though they were so over the top. Which is difficult to achieve in comedy. And the supporting characters were equally lovable, with the two long-term boyfriends of the show completing two of the best romantic couples I have ever seen on television. They’re simply the best.

I also have to bring this up. This is a family show. Not only because it features a family, but also because it is created by a family. The family of Levy’s. The family of 21st century eyebrow goals. Dan Levy and his father Eugene created the show and play father and son respectively. Respectively? I mean Eugene is and plays the father and Dan is and plays the son. They didn’t have much of a choice, really, they couldn’t be in the show without acknowledging they look so alike. Especially in terms of eyebrows. Seriously, google those eyebrows. They also have their daughter/sister on the show, whose Levy-brows are a bit more inconspicuous and you don’t immediately realise the family ties, until she is in a scene with her dad. I think Catherine O’Hara probably also counts as family, I can see Eugene Levy’s children calling her Auntie Cathy. If they don’t, I would rather not know.
And now, let me present some unconsented endorsements. My housemate, who watches TV shows with a pace taken straight from the 90’s, would have me watching this until 1 or 2am. Seasons would go by in a single day. My brother who has two small kids, a huge dog, three cats and practically no time managed to watch it all in two or three weeks. My friends who have watched everything that’s ever been produced reference David and Alexis every couple of utterances. And me, I went from following Seth Rogen on Twitter to following half of Canada for even the slightest extra glimpse into the world of Schitt’s Creek.

I have incredible excitement for this show, which is the wrong sentiment considering it is over. It is six seasons long; long enough to get you properly invested and short enough that you don’t start comparing seasons. I will reserve most of my excitement for the inevitable rewatch, but try to convince my friends to watch the show and hopefully get inspired by Alexis’ wardrobe and David’s skincare for future birthday presents.

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