Friday 18 November 2016

Stumbled on to Westworld

In case it is not clear, I have an innate need for series. My brothers are to blame as they had me binge-watching ‘Friends’ since the age of nine and I haven’t stopped; chances are I won’t. So it is hardly surprising that I stumble on to series like Westworld. The new ‘Game of Thrones’ some said! An adventurous breach of ethics with Sir Anthony Hopkins in a mysterious role of a genius! Who would resist? Who did? Seriously, who is not watching it? And why?!

There are actually a few reasons why. 

First of all, the statement ‘new Game of Thrones’ is very misleading; it was to me at least. Game of Thrones has a lot of things going on, so many main characters, so many plots which intertwine and separate for numerous developments that mean a different thing for each and every character. Have I mentioned that George R. R. Martin is a genius? Westworld is pretty much one thing; the robots will rebel and revenge their mismanagement. This is not a spoiler; this is just the very obvious prediction one makes before even watching a single episode. It is a single ethical shock/dilemma, which is promising in terms of action, therefore there is some anticipation, but nowhere near as much as the completely unpredictable Game of Thrones. Therefore, let’s just conclude that the comparison is misleading at best, irrelevant at worst.

This next one might just be me, but is anyone really rooting for the humans? They are being absolutely awful to the robots, taking advantage of them in every way and the makers have given them enough cognition to make this a painful experience. So, yeah, problem solved! Robots will rebel, justice will be restored and we will make sure to create our future theme parks more humane. There is no real dilemma, is there? There is no taking sides; plus there hasn’t yet been a character interesting or relatable or nice enough to perplex things a bit. Say a man that would attempt to murder a small boy but then nobly save his war captor from unavoidable rape (you got Game of Thrones from that? That can’t be, I stopped comparing the two). So yeah, robots good, people bad.

It is still an interesting ethical breach, even if at least to a vast majority the conclusions are unanimous. My real problem is, this particular ethical issue, Artificial Intelligence, robots having feelings, robot rebellion, it has been dealt with. Extensively. In the 90’s. The movie the series is based on was made in 1973! ‘I, Robot’ was twelve years ago and it was already outdated (it was also pretty bad and cheesy). So while this is a very interesting question and a careful insight on how we treat others when there are no consequences, I do not feel it adds that much more to the field. But who knows, maybe it is something waiting to happen! Maybe a shocking twist will come our way!

So I understand, I do, it might seem like less good a choice than what had been advertised but it is still such a good choice! It is beautifully made, there are some gorgeous details in the robots’ behaviour and this portrayal of western scenery as part of an otherwise futuristic society is always pleasant. And the cast is really good! The amazing Anthony Hopkins is just so impressive in anything he does! He could sneeze and if they’d let it in the final cut it would look like Shakespeare with mucus!

So there you go! A misleading blog post to match for the misleading comparison!

By the way, if you just read the bold bits it is a very positive review J

Thursday 15 September 2016

Stumbled on to a Gym

So this blog’s name is ‘Little Things We Stumble On’. Supposedly it’s meant to talk about things that popped up and unexpectedly sparked an interest while it mostly has been about my thoughts on things that I intentionally care about. Well, no more! I am getting things back on track and talking about things I never considered I would consider, like the gym. But I’ve taken some adjustment measures so it is not that different to my regular posts; it is mostly complaints, and lyrics guide the experience!

Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you’d like me to exercise

(personality profile alert)
Why would I have never guessed I would talk about the gym? Because I am a lazy, procrastinator that doesn’t care much for it. Let me elaborate on the laziness issue; the gym I was enrolled in for four years (for free) was a 15 minute bus ride and the bus station was right outside my house. Let me further elaborate on the procrastination issue; even though I had free membership for four years, I finally joined four years later, when it had expired. It might sound like I am exaggerating but you know you’ve abstained for too long when you tell your friends you started working out and they are genuinely shocked. Now I go daily because I know that if for a day I don’t break a single sweat, but instead eat chips and watch an entire season of Mad Men there is no way of convincing myself to go back. That life is too good!

When I see a buff man, I see a liar

(subjective opinion generalized alert)
I have spent numerous discussions with gym enthusiasts about how when you get into it, you love it; you would never give it up! Liars! Filthy liars! You would, everyone would! If you could look fit and lined by sitting on the couch and writing blog entries then that is what you would do. If the gym was fun and not a hellish exchange for good health and looks then treadmills would not have a timer or a calorie meter; you would just run until you started feeling euphoric. I, for one, need to know how much longer I need to stay on it so as to not feel guilty. The truth is you get happy when you see change in your body or when you feel that certain cramp and predict a change in your body, which makes it an indirect satisfaction. A direct satisfaction is your taste sensors encountering sugar, or in my case, cheese. Sports and outdoors jogging is different; I will accept it is somehow incomprehensibly possible to enjoy a good basketball game or running out in the clean air because I enjoy dancing (the artistic way of exercising) therefore some activities that result in fitness can be pleasing, but it is a mere few.

Conversation has run dry. That’s what’s going on, nothing’s fine I’m sore.

(antisocial alert)
This is something I only knew to be a myth; making friends at the gym. I do not understand how that works. What do you talk about? How long do you talk about it? I was approached about four days ago by a girl in a gym class and we had a nice, polite conversation about the class, about whether it constitutes Pilates or a stretching session which lasted for a good 90 seconds. And just when I thought that would be it she suggests we ‘keep in touch’ and asks me when I will be in again! And, in turn, I ask you, what grounds for a ‘keep in touch’-ness did she have?  What was the common ground that made me a potential acquaintance? Well, I could investigate but I was in real pain from the session and therefore do not remember face or name.

Stacey’s mum has got it going on, she can lift all she wants and her biceps are strong

(ageism alert)
This is a terrible blow to my self esteem every single time. Rumour has it that in your twenties, you should be at your fittest with good stamina. While I can easily accept that I am not fit for my age it is a very interesting realization that I am not fit for any age. Blow number one; there was a lady clearly in her late sixties that finished a 1-hour Zumba class when I had died after 35 minutes and indicated movement for the rest of the class. Blow number two; I was stretching after my fast-paced walk on the treadmill (it is a disgrace to call that jogging) and a similarly aged woman was coaching/showing her 12-year-old grandson how to exercise his side abs for intergalactic boxing sessions! This was obviously Stalone’s stunt double in her youth. I feel nothing but respect, envy and awe for these women, whereas I am looking forward to get to that age so I can write off working out for life!

Closing time, I don’t have to go home, I have to go to the nearest hospital

(conclusion alert)

I am of course in the wrong, after all there is scientific evidence that exercising excretes pheromones that make you happy and dopamine and adrenaline and all that chemical crap. Plenty scientific evidence, no personal experience but what can you do. But I’ll subvert my attack to working out to gyms in particular with a single argument; you would not suggest to go to the gym to a friend in order to have more fun than any other place, you would suggest to go to the gym with a friend in order to make the place more tolerable than it would be. Therefore, not fun. The end.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Tribute summer: Tribute to Muse

This has almost been said and done already. I never miss a chance to say how much I love Muse, regardless of the topic. Having finally seen the three-piece live in my home country has re-awoken that adoration I felt when I first consciously heard ‘Time Is Running Out’. They are my absolute favourite band for about 8 years now and even though my taste in music has changed a lot since, they remain a stable number ‘Uno’ throughout their better albums and worst.

I believe that before a proper tribute some things need to be said. Firstly, I can now admit that ‘The 2nd Law’ was not a good album. There are a couple of good songs (Panic Station), a couple of okay songs that we got used to liking (Madness) and then mostly monotone, forgettable songs which is not what Muse has us accustomed to. My personal feeling is that it was a sound still in progress. Secondly, I am a self-acclaimed ‘old muser’, meaning that I have the typical ‘the first four albums are the best that define the band and were their peak’ thing going. I apologise for this, I should be able to put this prejudice aside but I can’t. And lastly, while I will spend sometime praising Dom Howard (drummer) and Chris Wolstenholme (bassist), I am very much in love with the musicianship of Matt Bellamy and it would be hypocritical of me to say all three hold equal spaces in my heart.

Another thing I need to get out of the way is that I know that saying Muse is your favourite band has lost all street credit. I know that they have taken a turn towards pop which others dislike and others that I dislike like. They have an extravagant sound and that can often play at borderline silly. You have extraterrestrial fascination lyrics, you have the Orwellian lyrics, you have the dramatic words popping up here and there and some clichés like ‘Love is forever because our love will be forever’ or something like that. But once you get past the fear of what others will say about the music you listen to, you realise that it is a band pushing boundaries within the mainstream music industry.

They are craftsmen, but that was proven way too early on. Matt’s voice is practically an extra instrument, a fine-tuned, beautiful hue and all of them command their actual instruments like a drill sergeant making and breaking and making them A FUCKING PSYCHO (dun dun dudun dudun dun). So instead of just playing excellent riffs (where the bass and guitar both have challenging melodies, yet somehow complete one another rather than overburdening the sound), they try out new things, adopt new technology and knock on Queen’s door with orchestral additions making use of that classical training Matt Bellamy so obviously has.

Back to the lyrics, which I seem to mock. I do not. I much prefer a good tune to good lyrics, I think I have mentioned that before, but I do not think that Muse’s lyrics are not good. Drones is a bit over-the-top for me lyrically but I cannot lie and say that I don’t love singing along to Mercy and Dead Inside and Psycho. I do not exactly feel touched emotionally but they are fun, very fun (especially psycho, dun dun dudun dudun dun). And I also do appreciate that they are not ‘girlfriend songs’ or about how they are cool and can take the trash from the press. I like that they are about their beliefs for their government even in a raw name-calling of those in charge as fat cats (actually that was awesome). It shows nerve and especially from a now considered mainstream band.

Up to now this seems like me defending a band as if it needs defending, but I am just easing in the reader for that intense ‘I would give up all other existing music for Muse’ statement. So one last thing to go.  This is about ‘The Resistance’, the most overlooked album. I admit I am biased as it is the first album that came out after I started to fanatically listen to Muse but I still feel like it has suffered a great injustice. No one appreciated it as much as they should! It should be up there with the first four albums, it is almost impeccable (I am not crazy about ‘Resistance’ the song) and so many of its songs are perfect examples of Muse’s sound. I know Drones is supposed to be the Dystopian concept album but honestly, I thought that about ‘The Resistance’. Lyric-wise it switched wonderfully between social restriction, politicising human nature and despair while keeping the love theme strong. Musically, it had noteworthy melodies, each one very distinguishable and very melodic. In other words, good album!

And now for the constrained, promised tribute. This band is not a band for hipsters, they are widely and popularly known; it is not a band for wannabe philosophers or hopeless romantics, The Smiths will have you covered there. It is a band for whoever loves music as an art, a form of expression and, as mentioned before, a craft. They are talented and skillful, I honestly believe that Matt Bellamy could have easily been a highly regarded piano virtuoso executing all those classical pieces of music, that is craftsmanship. But they also write original songs that are masterpieces. Who else could have written such an emotionally powerful song with the title ‘Sunburn’? Or who else could have such an electric guitar infused song like ‘Plug-in Baby’ sound so damn melodic? Or who else could have given a song like ‘Time is Running Out’ such a groovy twist? Or caused joyful melancholy with that orchestration that we get in ‘Starlight’? And those are just the most famous songs out of the first four albums, the best four albums. They are joined by equally good if not better tracks and b-sides that would have been amazing singles (if you haven’t, please listen to ‘Easily’).

To once again tie this with a previous entry, how good a band is has a lot to do with how good they are live. And these three guys are amazing live. Their earlier shows were short on production and other people helping them (like Morgan Nichols) and it was a total shock that three guys could produce such a full sound. That is something that also impressed on their recorded songs, but imagine seeing three people and think you are listening to about five or six. Their performance is so powerful; Dom looks like an athlete towards the end of a marathon trying to simultaneously lift weights while on the drums. He is giving it everything he has got with amazing precision yet with passion that you would expect would throw him off track completely. Chris is so cool throughout the set while his hands do magic on that bass (if that sounds sexual it is because he is one sexy man), an underrated musician, not because he is not considered good but because he is even better. And of course, Matt Bellamy, the ultimate musician, artist and performer. I do not even now which concerts to suggest for you to watch, but he is one of those people that should be included in a Duracell commercial. While the visuals lately have also been top notch, my only regret is that I never saw them live on their earlier days which, as YouTube suggests, were so much more spontaneous and weird.

And lastly, while there is no reason to appreciate a band because of this, they seem like really nice guys. They are adorably enjoying their fame, they do not pretend to be working class heroes when everybody knows but they do not shove it in your face. They have that constant ‘I can’t believe I am living this’ smile on their faces with a bit of a surprise and a lot of appreciation. They don’t take themselves too seriously in interviews and are more than glad to express their strong thoughts on politics without the much used hint of sarcasm cool musicians tend to use. Plus Matt Bellamy can recite the alphabet backwards, look it up!

Wow, and this is the short version. Anyhow, this band has given me something to love and something to remind me how much I love music and love loving music (so much love). If I ever could I would thank them for covering a whole spectre of emotions for me (fun, melancholy, awe etc.) provided I could get the words out. And for the haters, has your favourite band ever had you thinking you were marching into battle for your beliefs? i.e. Has your favourite band written masterpieces like ‘Kinghts of Cydonia’? Whatever you think of their latest work, you cannot deny their past. Muser out.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Tribute summer: Game of Thrones for Harry Potter

This is a very interesting time for me as I have participated in one of the fandoms I had been resisting for years, Game of Thrones. We are talking about the series everyone watches, everyone’s obsessed with and no one mocks! Because you will mock the Marvel fanatic for the lame false-scientific justification and the Star Wars fanatic for the Chewie-Solo bromance but no one will ever mock the brutally realistic fantasy series about a bunch of rich families either bedding or killing each other.

And I am now part of that fandom too! Haven’t read the books but I did binge-watch it really fast and passionately; I now manage to include discussions about Game of Thrones in most of my human encounters (and one with a cat but just the one). It is a brilliant series and it is captivating and from what I hear the books are even better! It is also an adult fandom as it is sprinkled with disgusting, gore scenes, lots of nudity and disturbing breastfeeding scenes that are somehow worse than all of the angles of any beheading… I am trying to keep this spoiler free but you know which breastfeeding I mean.

I really loved Game of Thrones and I can only assume those that watched it as it came out, having to wait each week to see what would happen, love it even more. However, during my extensive exposure to such a mature and ‘life is a bitch’ series I was also reading my favorite book series ever, Harry Potter. If the contrast is not apparent, let me just say that all three main Harry Potter characters are alive, so are their romantic interests and the strongest magical force in the series is love. It is also a children’s book series (or so some ignorant people claim) while ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ should be kept away from children at least until they realize they will never get a Hogwarts letter.

So this is basically my tribute to Harry Potter (the books really) as it came about from my parallel journey with Game of Thrones.

So what if it is unrealistic? So what if it is idealistic? So what if it is over-optimistic? So what if the ‘love conquers all’ theme is a bit cheesy? It is so beautiful! It is beautiful to read as a child because it is wonderful to be convinced that love is ancient magic. And as an adult it is comforting to read that someone who does not appreciate love will always underestimate how strong a drive it is. The world sucks and that is where George R. R. Martin has it right, but you turn to books and specifically to science fiction for some imaginative comfort and distraction. Is it not fun to read about a magical world where you can see your diseased loved ones in a hidden mirror and beat your materialized greatest fear with laughter? It is even more fun to do that and then watch Game of Thrones so the fall back to reality is even steeper.

Anyway, it is misleading to say the two are even comparable, that is not the case,  but it got you here didn't it?  It is just that the show’s realism is a good trigger for me to write this tribute. However, by all means, if you haven’t watched Game of Thrones you should, it is FUCKING AWESOME!! But this is not the post for such a tribute.

I don’t think an extensive tribute is necessary; I will only focus on two instances. I cannot fully describe the rush of warmness you feel when the name ‘Ron Weasley’ shows up on a page for the first time, knowing he becomes the best friend of a kid that lived under a staircase for eleven years.  And of course realistically, such a kid would not be sociable enough to make a best friend on their first encounter on a train, but J.K.Rowling’s version is so much more redeeming. Then come the tears when one of your favourite characters died that had been around for countless child-appropriate moments and this non-child ending is a rush of melancholia. A movie drags it out and uses E minor chords in the background, you are forced to feel sad in a conventional way but in these books, you fill in the gaps yourself and the sadness is so much more pure. I, for one, was an adult on a train tearing up because Fred Weasley died the moment Percy reunited with his family (if you have only seen the movies you might not know what I am talking about).

I could go on for a long time about why I love Harry Potter, book by book. These two examples do not even talk about my favourite characters throughout the series. But having now demolished any sort of street credit I may have had when I bashed Justin Bieber as pre-adolescent, shit-noise (and let’s be honest that it no street cred to be proud of) I can firmly state that I loved reading Harry Potter as a twenty-two year old. Definitely not as much as I had when I was younger and did not know what was going to happen but it was very similar to being covered with a nice fluffy blanket. So, you know, re read them or if you are that ashamed, get a son, daughter, sister, nephew to read them with. It’s as good an excuse as any. 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Stumbled on a Foals Concert (just happened to have the tickets on me)

I have spent most of my blog posts either whining or whining about those that whine. I decided it was time to bring some positivity to this blog and talk about beautiful things, things that make us happy, things like live music!

I remember that before YouTube, my brother would download concerts and me being small and stupid would go ‘this does not sound like the taped version, they are obviously terrible'. I was a fool and I apologise, for now I know, live is the epitomy of music! There are some issues arising, as always. Some artists, for example, have a heavily produced sound that cannot translate well to live shows and while backing tracks are available they can range from complimentary to shameful, SHAMEFUL! So, how can they be dismissed if their product is beautiful and original? Is an artist’s worth dependent on live adaptation?

Yes. Not an artist’s worth per se, a performer’s worth. The artistic element includes the performing element because it is all part of the final product. It also includes the formation element, sure; writing the music, combining various instruments, lyrics, vocals all of it. I have a very strict appreciation policy; both these aspects need to be present. I am in need of an artist to do more than recite lyrics that they haven’t written onto music that they haven’t composed. Having a pleasant voice is not that uncommon and especially with today’s technology, not that honest. So my definition of a good artist resides a lot in the making of the song.

However, having seen a few bands live and many concerts on YouTube I must say I lose a great deal of respect if the live version is not good. Not identical, because identical is boring anyways just good, energetic, emotional or something. I remember being into the Dandy Warhols because they had cool, fun songs and they didn’t take themselves too seriously. I also remember a live show of theirs that was abysmal and then furiously searching the web for a good one to erase this disappointment with not much success. Traumatising! I now have a ‘good songs, bad band’ label on them.

It is not so much about proof of worth though. Live shows are where you love a band, where the raw talent and clear message are conveyed. Not to mention that the band’s energy is reflected onto the audience, which absorbs that energy and gives it back for the band to feed on! It is way too magical to be unnecessary. And pragmatically, how many bands have reached the top without being good live? A good live show is what gets them going and what keeps them going. (Just realised I have written ‘band’ instead of ‘artist’ everywhere, but for some reason I cannot get myself to change it)
I understand that a good performer is not necessarily a good artist but I think the other way round is true. The extents vary and some songs are more successful live than others but all in all it is the ability to adapt a song to its setting that gives music its vividness compared to other arts!

I am that person that has live versions of songs on her phone and everyone complains when they come on shuffle, so I am a bit overly passionate about the subject. Nonetheless, I have numeric support; as buying a record is not the primary source of income for artists anymore, and concerts are given more and more refined attention. I guess this is what happens when you get bored of autotune, you look elsewhere J

Sunday 3 January 2016

Stumbled on to a 21 year-old’s life

Having spent my first ever blog post defending mainstream music, I am stunned to find mainstream music entertainment stab me in the back. Clubs are not really my thing, I don’t drink too much and I adore board games and hot tea. But coming home for Christmas and with New Year’s Eve being a must celebration, I nowhave a much better insight at what I've been missing out and may I say, I like my lameness and I am sticking with it! Now, as every self-respecting blogger, I have a couple of things to whine about!

Side note: these things may be a bit more specific to Greece as this is where my experience unfolds and strictly apply to mainstream venues.

It’s not that I don’t like your face but…

I don’t get bars with much too loud music. There are so many places where you can’t dance, nobody else is and unless you have the confidence of Kanye West you probably won’t either! So, going there with a group of people all with the common goal of having a drink or two (or n drinks), what do you do when the music is too loud? You just get two or three hours of shouting all your three-word conversations, hoping for something amusing to happen so you can nod and laugh. I know I sound like a grandma but seriously, just lower the volume a wee bit OR dance! If dancing is involved, my argument is invalid. I understand how loud music helps get you in the mood and attenuates body language (duh, you can’t talk!) but if I'm getting ear ache, I demand my feet ache from my kick-ass dance moves!

Is it a cry for originality?

Most dance songs nowadays are a couple of existential or sexy verses and then a particular beat, with heavy bass (I have just murdered the validity of all my previous blog entries). So, what is the deal with all the MacBook DJ’s cutting the original beat from the songs, and inserting another one? You get Jason Derulo’s ‘Talk Dirty To Me’ line and all of a sudden, instead of the highly anticipated oriental bridge you suddenly get a Skrillex-like bass drop! What is that all about? That song is basically on the map because of that booty-shaking segment, take that away and all you get is a 90’s pick-up line with noise!

Actually, this last one works for me J

I have a very rational fear of not knowing ANY of the songs that play in clubs. Luckily, when I was younger, I knew all of the dance songs around, I knew the lyrics and the accompanying dance routines. So the fact that the clubs rely on songs from five-six years ago so much more than current ones was a pleasant surprise. But isn't it worrying? I believe new music being produced and played is important and I know for a fact there’s a lot of it that is good out there! I'm not talking about the dubstep-induced RnB tracks, but if that is not working, why don’t we try a different direction? If everyone prefers Black Eyed Peas – My Humps to semi-deep house semi-mainstream music, then club music should adapt! Even at the expense of my relevance in a night out.

My closing statement is that I will be more open-minded about how I spend my nights out as I did actually have fun in spite of these complaints (desperate attempt to not sound like a grandma). So I will reconsider clubs once in a while… a long while… when I absolutely have to. All I am saying is you can get alcohol and good company in any place of your choosing so if you share my distress, fear the title of lameness no more! Speak up!

Actually, you know I am only joking, who likes board games any way, right? Heh (sobs)