Thursday 6 September 2018

Stumbled onto tasty, tasty bacon (Vegan week OVER)

I have to admit that I get vegans. I think they are in the right and everyone who is trying to counterweight their arguments while living and feasting in a western culture is wrong. Having said that, I could never be one because I am a selfish person who likes cheese-based food too much and bacon-based food enough to refuse to give it up. This, I guess, makes me the worst kind of carnivore; the one that would ethically agree with vegans but then ignore the ‘murdering-animals-for-bacon’ bit because it’s tasty. You can see a pattern forming here, a bacon pattern. Having said that, I do actively try to lessen my meat consumption and for about a week per year, this week, I try to eliminate my animal product consumption. Including cheese. And bacon.

Day 1:    Day one is exciting because you get to buy stuff. Shopping at the supermarket counts as shopping. The plan is to make a large pot of butternut squash soup to eat for about three-four days because eating vegan from outside is expensive and I need to keep the rest of my day’s pace quick so I don’t get distracted by the fact that I can’t eat all of the things I love. Good soup though.

Day 2:    Soup is also good when cold! Doesn’t keep you not hungry for long though… This is why you snack! Snacks don’t keep you not hungry for long though… This is why you nap! Add an Avocado and hummus sandwich to the mix and all is good. And then have your housemate eat the same thing plus halloumi cheese just to rub it in your face. The bastard.

Day 3:    Good day! Falafel box! If you’re not eating cheese and you are not eating eegs and you’re not eating chocolate (side note: dark chocolate is what I imagine biting into your toe tastes like), you can at least eat fried stuff! I think this could potentially work.

Day 4:    Back to soup. And cucumber sticks with hummus. Day four was long and painful. I stole my housemate’s leftover pasta which was plain, but may have had butter. I will believe it did not and that butter-less pasta tastes amazing! No, this does not count as a failure.

Day 5:    Have you ever wondered what pasta Napolitan tastes like without cheese? Me neither. Not worth it.

Day 6:    Okay, vegans have won this battle. Vegan pancakes are actually very tasty! And as long as maple syrup is made from trees, this is something I can get behind! Note to self: should check if the rest of that soup is still edible.

Day 7:    It’s fine! I mean it is the same soup for the fourth day in the same week so I hate it by now, but no micro-organisms have colonised my soup. Also, olive paste is vegan so that was a nice addition to my day. But the best addition to my day? Tomorrow I am eating a juicy, bacon burger with Parmesan fries and milk chocolate. The milk chocolate will be eaten separately.

Honestly, it was fine. I did sniff my housemate’s chocolate bar a couple of times, but who hasn’t? Maybe I left the room when he made a cheese toastie but like, once. Admittedly, all of the food was tasty, a lot of it was filling (the falafel box was the champion, I even had to split in two meals) and I got to experiment with something other than pasta carbonara recipes. I am still convinced that cheese is essential to my survival and I am aware that this is a minor achievement (it was only seven days) but bear in mind that I really love cheese. People bring me cheese as a gift. I am not exaggerating. It happens a lot! From different people! Anyways, i learnt of new meals I can incorporate into my diet, it was a fun challenge and for me the reward was bacon. Oh, the irony.