Saturday 28 July 2018

Stumbled onto James Gunn’s firing

Things were going all too well in the superhero-verse leading to multiple posts about things that bother me in everyday life rather than good old superficial interests. But then Disney decided to go and stir it up a bit by firing the man that shaped the MCU’s cheery, fun and popular style. Good job Disney! Next step is hiring Zack Snyder so we can see how many shades of grey can fit in a single frame.

You may have noticed that none of the above address the reason he was fired or are legitimate counter-arguments to why his was fired. What if he beat up a cameraman? What if he groped Zoe Saldana? What if he is just using these movies for money laundering? The last one could still be true... Anyway, James Gunn was fired because ten years ago he posted some shocking tweets. Let me repeat that. He was fired in 2018, for tweeting some shocking tweets around 2008 with comedic intension. Let me give you some examples;

 The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like, “whew this feels great, not being raped!’ and

RT @peteralton I like it when little boys touch me on my silly place. Shhh!’.

Regarding the second one, it is a fake retweet from someone else, ‘framing’ them for paedophilia. I will be honest, some of them were a bit hard to read, partly because of the shock factor, mostly because of the unfunny factor. But how can we distinguish the fact that they were written out for comedic purposes rather than actual paedophilic tendencies? Simple! Those were publicly available for ten years and no one is investigating or even suspecting James Gunn of being a paedophile. That means that regardless of how these were portrayed by the questionable, conservative news sites, somehow, our brains do not flounder with feelings of caution. No one fired Gunn because they suspect him of behaving in this disgusting manner; there is no lawsuit, there are no #MeToo accusations. Is Disney serious? Have they not heard of Frankie Boyle? Jokes are limitless; these were just not funny but I never heard anything about Jimmy Fallon being fired for not being funny. Although I would love to.

But what about Roseanne Barr? She was fired from her show after some offensive tweets she made. Why are we fighting back for liberal James when we were behind the decision for this Trump supporter to be fired? Let me just paste the tweet here:

‘@MARS0411 @385parkplace and @SGTreport Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby=vj’

VJ refers to former Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett. She was fired from her show after this tweet and people are now drawing a parallel between these two situations. Let me explain why these two are oblique rather than parallel. While one could argue that Roseanne is a comedienne and therefore her intention could have also been comedic, this is a racist tweet by a racist person. If Kevin Spacey posted a tweet about lying on top of a fourteen year-old while he was unconscious, that would justifiably make guts turn. Moreover, Roseanne Barr attacked an individual with this racist comment, while Peter Alton (second tweet) has worked with James Gunn and was pseudo-attacked, again, for comedic purposes. How do we know he did not mind? IT HAS BEEN 10 FUCKING YEARS; if he minded he would have seen the tweet and replied, complained, trashed Gunn’s car. This is an assumption, but I think Alton minded Gunn’s tweet less than Jarrett minded Roseanne’s. Lastly, and this is my second weakest argument, Gunn’s tweets were 10 years ago, when we were not aware creeps freely wandered around Hollywood, whereas we are now perfectly aware that the US is currently suffering from a right-wing, racist, extremist outburst. In other words, I do not think Disney worried that Gunn was giving paedophiles ground; I cannot say the same for ABC.

Do you want to hear my weakest argument? I think James Gunn is a decent human being that has created something wonderful and I believe he would again; underlining the decent human being part. When serious, he is speaking out for things completely opposite to his poor, but still comedic-intended statements and if we judge him for his years working for the company that fired him, he has displayed nothing but appropriateness. So he is well fitted for this zero-tolerance era, he wasn’t then, but it also wasn’t that sort of era. It is like people complaining that Friends was homophobic because Chandler judged his father for being trans, in the year 2000.

Lastly, I realise that there is a distinction between offensive jokes and work-appropriate ones, and once you decide to make these public you are up for related ramifications; someone could be fired from a corporate position from ever being associated with such statements regardless of their comedic intent. But this is a writer. This is a comedic writer (let’s be honest, the Guardians of the Galaxy instalments have been more comedy than action). Do the same rules apply? Because I then want E. L. James banned from bookshops for sexually inappropriate commentary. I am actually ok with that.