Sunday 3 January 2016

Stumbled on to a 21 year-old’s life

Having spent my first ever blog post defending mainstream music, I am stunned to find mainstream music entertainment stab me in the back. Clubs are not really my thing, I don’t drink too much and I adore board games and hot tea. But coming home for Christmas and with New Year’s Eve being a must celebration, I nowhave a much better insight at what I've been missing out and may I say, I like my lameness and I am sticking with it! Now, as every self-respecting blogger, I have a couple of things to whine about!

Side note: these things may be a bit more specific to Greece as this is where my experience unfolds and strictly apply to mainstream venues.

It’s not that I don’t like your face but…

I don’t get bars with much too loud music. There are so many places where you can’t dance, nobody else is and unless you have the confidence of Kanye West you probably won’t either! So, going there with a group of people all with the common goal of having a drink or two (or n drinks), what do you do when the music is too loud? You just get two or three hours of shouting all your three-word conversations, hoping for something amusing to happen so you can nod and laugh. I know I sound like a grandma but seriously, just lower the volume a wee bit OR dance! If dancing is involved, my argument is invalid. I understand how loud music helps get you in the mood and attenuates body language (duh, you can’t talk!) but if I'm getting ear ache, I demand my feet ache from my kick-ass dance moves!

Is it a cry for originality?

Most dance songs nowadays are a couple of existential or sexy verses and then a particular beat, with heavy bass (I have just murdered the validity of all my previous blog entries). So, what is the deal with all the MacBook DJ’s cutting the original beat from the songs, and inserting another one? You get Jason Derulo’s ‘Talk Dirty To Me’ line and all of a sudden, instead of the highly anticipated oriental bridge you suddenly get a Skrillex-like bass drop! What is that all about? That song is basically on the map because of that booty-shaking segment, take that away and all you get is a 90’s pick-up line with noise!

Actually, this last one works for me J

I have a very rational fear of not knowing ANY of the songs that play in clubs. Luckily, when I was younger, I knew all of the dance songs around, I knew the lyrics and the accompanying dance routines. So the fact that the clubs rely on songs from five-six years ago so much more than current ones was a pleasant surprise. But isn't it worrying? I believe new music being produced and played is important and I know for a fact there’s a lot of it that is good out there! I'm not talking about the dubstep-induced RnB tracks, but if that is not working, why don’t we try a different direction? If everyone prefers Black Eyed Peas – My Humps to semi-deep house semi-mainstream music, then club music should adapt! Even at the expense of my relevance in a night out.

My closing statement is that I will be more open-minded about how I spend my nights out as I did actually have fun in spite of these complaints (desperate attempt to not sound like a grandma). So I will reconsider clubs once in a while… a long while… when I absolutely have to. All I am saying is you can get alcohol and good company in any place of your choosing so if you share my distress, fear the title of lameness no more! Speak up!

Actually, you know I am only joking, who likes board games any way, right? Heh (sobs)